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Comp Cams Custom Hydraulic Roller Camshaft CCA-51-000-11

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Pricing: $569.95

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  • CCA-51-000-11-HR
  • CCA-51-000-11-HR
    Custom Ground Camshaft


    We can combine ANY of these lobes to make a split pattern cam for you application. We use these lobes to produce good torque and horsepower. We also have many more lobes available that are not listed. Contact us for recommendations. Note: All Hyd.& Solid Roller Cams Require either a bronze or polymer distributor gear.

    Click Here for a custom cam recommendation by Butler Performance


    ART #

    Rated Duration

    Duration @ .050

    Lobe Lift

    Valve Lift 1.5

    Valve Lift 1.6

    CCA-3313 / 3314

    270 I - 276 E

    218 I - 224 E

    .330 I - .335 E

    .495 I - .503 E

    .528 I - .536 E

    CCA-3314 / 3315

    276 I - 282 E

    224 I - 230 E

    .335 I - .340 E

    .503 I - .510 E

    .536 I - .544 E

    CCA-3315 / 3316

    282 I - 288 E

    230 I - 236 E

    .340 I - .347 E

    .510 I - .521 E

    .544 I - .555 E

    CCA-3316 / 3317

    288 I - 294 E

    236 I - 242 E

    .347 I - .360 E

    .521 I - .540 E

    .555 I - .576 E

    CCA-3317 / 3318

    294 I - 300 E

    242 I - 248 E

    .360 I - .375 E

    .540 I - .563 E

    .576 I - .600 E

    CCA-3318 / 3319

    300 I - 306 E

    248 I - 254 E

    .375 I - .387 E

    .563 I - .581 E

    .600 I - .619 E


    • CCA-51-000-11-HR
    • CCA-51-000-11-HR
    • Comp Cams
    • New


    Shipping Information

    • Item Requires Shipping
    • 10.0 lbs.

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