Butler Performance Inc. » Butler Performance
Butler Performance, a name synonymous with High Performance, specifically traditional Pontiac engines.
Butler Performance Categories
From stock Pontiac blocks to the newer IAII cast and aluminum blocks, Butler has the block that will be the foundation for your Pontiac performance engine
Transport or store your Pontiac engine on an engine cradle from Butler Performance. These can be uses with or without casters and can even be fastened to a pallet to ship your entire engine safe and securely.
Transport or store your Pontiac engine on an engine cradle from Butler Performance. These can be uses with or without casters and can even be fastened to a pallet to ship your entire engine safe and securely.
For Carbureted applications. These pumps can be installed in new tanks or retrofit for your existing stock or stock replacement tank.
For EFI and carbureted applications. These pumps can be installed in new EFI ready tanks or retrofit for your existing stock or stock replacement tank. With the addition of a fuel bypass regulator,...More Details »
Harmonic balancers and dampers are necessary for eliminating torsional crankshaft vibrations. Butler carries only the trusted name in harmonic balancers like ATI, Powerbond by Dayco, Romac, and our...More Details »
Want a custom cylinder head you can assemble yourself? This kit is for you. Includes all the high quality valvetrain parts found in Butler built heads. These kits come with all machining completed and ready to assemble.
The head studs differ from head bolts by reducing stress on the block threads and gives a more accurate torque.
Send us your Edelbrock heads for custom CNC porting. We can arrange to ship your heads to us where they will be inspected CNC ported using our Butler CNC Porting Process.
Butler Performance Products
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Lift with 1.5 ratio rockers: .450/.450
Lift with 1.65 ratio rockers: .495/.495
Duration: 212/226
Lobe Separation Angle: 115
Hyd. Roller
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-068-HR-K
Price: $1,589.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Lift with 1.5 ratio rockers: .450/.450
Lift with 1.65 ratio rockers: .495/.495
Duration: 212/226
Lobe Separation Angle: 115
Hyd. Roller
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-068-HR
Price: $569.95
Description: INT/EXH @.050 212/225 256/268
Lift .405/.405 @1.5 Ratio
LS 115
Hyd. Flat Tappet
852B Lifters- Hy-Lift Johnson Brand/Made in the USA
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-068-FT-CL
Price: $529.95
Description: INT/EXH @.050 212/225 256/268
Lift .405/.405 @1.5 Ratio
LS 115
Hyd. Flat Tappet
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-068-FT
Price: $299.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Lift with 1.5 ratio rockers: .450/.450
Lift with 1.65 ratio rockers: .495/.495
Duration: 224/236
Lobe Separation Angle: 115
Hyd. Roller
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-744-HR-CL
Price: $1,119.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Lift with 1.5 ratio rockers: .450/.450
Lift with 1.65 ratio rockers: .495/.495
Duration: 224/236
Lobe Separation Angle: 115
Hyd. Roller
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-744-HR
Price: $569.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Lift with 1.5 ratio rockers: .450/.450
Lift with 1.65 ratio rockers: .495/.495
Duration: 224/236
Lobe Separation Angle: 115
Hyd. Roller
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-744-HR-K
Price: $1,589.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
INT/EXH @.050 224/236 268/280
Lift .405/.405 @1.5 Ratio
LS 115
Hyd. Flat Tappet
852B Lifters- Hy-Lift Johnson Brand/Made in the USA
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-FT-744-CL
Price: $529.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
INT/EXH @.050 224/236 268/280
Lift .405/.405 @1.5 Ratio
LS 115
Hyd. Flat Tappet
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-744-FT
Price: $299.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Lift with 1.5 ratio rockers: .507/.541
Lift with 1.65 ratio rockers: .557/.595
Duration: 232/241
Lobe Separation Angle: 113
Hyd. Roller
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-041-HR-CL
Price: $1,119.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Lift with 1.5 ratio rockers: .507/.541
Lift with 1.65 ratio rockers: .557/.595
Duration: 232/241
Lobe Separation Angle: 113
Hyd. Roller
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-041-HR-K
Price: $1,589.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Reproduced factory ID number 9794041 for 400 cu.in., 1969/1970 Ram Air IV factory 345/370hp...More Details »
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-041-HR
Price: $569.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Reproduced factory ID number 9794041 for 400 cu.in., 1968 Ram Air IV. Factory 366 H.P. 400 cu....More Details »
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-041-FT-CL
Price: $529.95
Description: The Butler RA Series is an updated cam lobe designed and ground by COMP CAMS exclusively for Butler
Reproduced factory ID number 9794041 for 400 cu.in., 1968 Ram Air IV. Factory 366 H.P. 400 cu....More Details »
Item #: CCA-BP-RA-041-FT
Price: $299.95
Description: Fuel Pump to Carb inlet kit for RobMc fuel pump to Dual Inlet Holley carb- includes fittings and hose. Easy to assemble. -6 Fittings and hose
Item #: BPI-1007FUEL-6
Price: $149.95
Description: Fuel Pump to Carb inlet kit for RobMc fuel pump to Dual Inlet Holley carb- includes fittings and hose. Easy to assemble. -8 Fittings and hose
Item #: BPI-1007FUEL-8
Price: $149.95
Description: Fuel Pump to Carb inlet kit for Holley or Carter fuel pump to Qjet carb- includes fittings and hose. Easy to assemble.
Item #: BPI-1009FUEL
Price: $119.95
Description: Fuel Pump to Carb inlet kit for Holley or Carter fuel pump to Dual Inlet Holley carb- includes fittings and hose. Easy to assemble.
Item #: BPI-1010FUEL
Price: $119.95
Description: Fuel Pump to Carb inlet kit for Edelbrock fuel pump to Qjet carb- includes fittings and hose. Easy to assemble.
Item #: BPI-1011FUEL
Price: $119.95
Description: Fuel Pump to Carb inlet kit for Edelbrock fuel pump to Dual Inlet Holley carb- includes fittings and hose. Easy to assemble.
Item #: BPI-1012FUEL
Price: $119.95
Description: Fuel Pump to Carb inlet kit for RobMc fuel pump to Qjet carb- includes fittings and hose. Easy to assemble.
Item #: BPI-1008FUEL
Price: $149.95
Description: Butler Performance Military T-Shirt
Item #: BPI-TS-BP1621
Closeout- Making room for new styles
Price: $27.95
Sale: $18.00
Save: 36%
Save: $9.95
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Description: Pontiac Hardened Oil Pump Drive Shaft- recommended and used in BP engines
Item #: BPI-OPDS-54
Price: $22.95
Description: PA Series EFI Gas Tank Conversion Module. This In-Tank Fuel Pump module can be used to retrofit an internal fuel pump into your original gas tank.
Item #: TAN-PA2-4-6
Price: $225.00
Description: Don't be fooled by cheap counterfeit Walbro fuel pumps. These are the real deal. We only rely on Genuine Walbro / TI Automotive fuel pumps. This 255 lph pump is good for up to 600 hp at 60 psi.
Item #: TAN-GSL392
Price: $109.95
Description: Keep your head cold and show off your love for Pontiacs with the Butler Logo Beanie
Item #: BPI-Beanie
Price: $12.95
Description: Butler Performance Military Tan T-Shirt
Item #: BPI-TS-BP1613T
Price: $27.95
Sale: $18.00
Save: 36%
Save: $9.95
Free Shipping!
Description: Butler Performance American Pontiac T-Shirt.
Item #: BPI-TS-BP1610
Price: $27.95
Sale: $22.36
Save: 20%
Save: $5.59
Free Shipping!
Description: Oil Pan Reinforcement Plates
Item #: APE-N325P
Price: $14.95
Description: PCV Valve Grommet For Pont. Valey Pan and Tomahawk Valley Pan TPP-TP-041S with 1226 PCV
Item #: MOT-42054
Price: $5.95